Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mango Season

We are reaching the peak of mango season here at site. Mangos are everywhere, as are small children perched in mango trees stuffing themselves! We have a tree in our yard, so we’ve eaten our fill. It also guarantees a constant stream of visitors. Between us, neighbors, and random mango seekers, we’ve picked over 50 fruits everyday for the past month. We never do any of the actual picking, we leave that up to the kids. The tree seems to be just running out of abundance now. The countryside is full of people carrying giant baskets of mangos to the road to try to sell them to transport heading to the city. Unfortunately this means the already crowded vehicles are not only packed with passengers and all their stuff, but bags and bags of mangos. One major downside of the season is the piles of mango peels, pits, and uneaten fruits rotting in the street, fostering stench, insects, and slipping hazards (a mango peel is a veritable banana peel when it comes to slipping potential). We love it though, and will miss our fresh mango jam, mango porridge, and just sitting on the porch eating perfectly ripe mangos, but we have avocado and tangerine seasons to look forward to in the near future.

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