Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bye Bye Visitors, Don't mind the Fuel Shortage

So we sent off all our American visitors. We were a little worried for a while because they were using nearby Lilongwe airport in Malawi, and that country has been experiencing some extreme fuel shortages. Cars and buses have been queuing up around the block in what we imagine to be reminiscent of USA during the 70s immediately following the OPEC oil shock. Lots of public transit has been canceled and prices are surging. Here in Mozambique we still have plenty of fuel, but in Malawi people are resorting to exorbitant prices on the black market. Luckily we sent our loved ones with our driver Alfonso who stocked his vehicle with a couple spare drums of diesel before crossing the border. Jet fuel has not been affected by the shortages, so planes are still flying. The situation in Malawi has gotten to the point that people are taking to the streets, protesting and rioting. It's hard to get good info, but apparently about 18 people have died in the ruckus. Don't worry if you've read any scary headlines in the Africa section, we are not in danger. Even though we're right on the border we're far from all the violence which is confined mainly to the big cities. Still we are hoping for a more peaceful resolution to this situation for our African neighbors.

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