Thursday, March 4, 2010

Romão's Electricity Disaster

Romão doesn't even have electricity in his mud house, but the wires
pass right through his small property. In an ironic attempt to trim a
tree whose branches were reaching dangerously close to the power
lines, he accidentally sent the vegetation right into the wires and
knocked electricity out for our entire neighborhood. Now we will be
without light for an extended period of time, and many people are
upset with Romao. Apparently the power utility won't repair the break
until Romão provides the necessary wire, which is available in nearby
Malawi. But given the current sour mood, people don't want to pitch in
on the purchase and Romão is without means of his own, so we'll just
wait and see how this one turns out. Luckily we can charge our phone
at the school so we can stay in touch as we read, do school work and
crossword puzzles by candlelight.
Post script: Fortunately our landlord, Nelson, was also affected by
the accident and happens to be one of the most on-top-of-it people in
town. He was quick to get on the cell phone and get someone from
Electricidade to come fix the power lines the next day. Way to go,
Dono Nelson!

1 comment:

  1. hey luc and janet, thanks to facebook "suggestions" i saw luc's fb page which led me here. great to see that you guys are doing well! looks like a pretty incredible experience...
