Sunday, October 11, 2009

Field Trip to Maputo

On last Saturday we went to Maputo in a mini-van type transportation system called 'chapas' which look like a Eurovan without the poptp except in seats 20 people. Some of the larger volunteers didn't enjoy cramming in, but we're medium sized, so we didnt' mind. It takes about 1 hour to get to Maputo, or longer if you pull over to put air in the tires or gas up, which Janet's group had to. Maputo was probably super sweet before teh wars, but now the city's crumbly and neglected, but still ahs lots of energy. There are nealy 70 of us trainees, so walking around was a major production, which seemed to entertain the locals. Most volunteers wanted to get cell phones, penut butter, hand sanitizer, and voltage stabilizers. This took four hours as we went store to store in the modern American-style 'shopping center.' After a hard day's work we all ate pizza and European coffees (Janet). Unfortunately with all teh sopping we didn't get to visit any cultural sites like the museums and fortress or enjoy views of the bay and river. That will be for next time. After a hectic chapa ride back to our little town it felt great to sit wtih our family and drink cha and eat cookies!

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