Sunday, October 4, 2009

Greetings from Mozambique

Lucas and I have arrived safely in our training site. Our journey was long but smooth and we are healthy and happy. We spent 2 luxurious nights in the capital of Mozambique, Maputo, getting over our jetlag and getting lots of shots! We are living in the home of a family in a small town on the border with Swaziland. Our house is very nice and our host mother and her son are very welcoming and friendly. The son likes to listen to Jay-Z really loudly and he also disapproved of Kanye West interupting the MTV Awards. Today we went to Catholic church with our 'mai' and there was lots of singing and dancing and people wearing colorful clothes. Since there are so many volunteers here and this is the third year as the training site, people aren't that impressed with seeing foreigners, but it's nice to not have people trying to approach us to see things. We are doing well with Portuguese, since people basically understand Spanish. I'm feeling like we'll be able to learn quickly once language classes start. We start training on Monday, tomorrow. For the first few weeks we'll be focusing on language in small classes of five volunteers hosted in the homestay family homes. We probably won't be able to use internet that much since there are only two computers in the town (we ran across the place walking around today but it will soon be inundated by all 66 volunteers!). We will probably be getting a phone when we go to Maputo next weekend (Janet is especially excited about this!). We hope everyone is well and we miss you already but we are very happy and having fun getting to know our new home.


  1. Thanks for posting so soon. We are watching a segment on 69 minutes about lack of water in the Mau Forest. Your "brother" is worried about Kanye being rude on MIV, the world is so small! Good Luck with your training, you are both so good with languages, I'm not worried about you! I love and miss you too, but I am glad you are following your hearts. Love, Janet/Mom

  2. glad you guys got there safely! can't wait to read more about your adventures :)
